
I need YOU!… to help me quit with a bang ;)

I sent in my letter of resignation! Yay! I was their only (ish) employee and worked 7 days/week for…. 11 months! I've been there for a year an a half and have my weekends off since September. I was super underpaid for what I was doing and did a shitload more than expected. There was an other employee not doing the same job as me, who was harassing me and bullying me. Now, this employee leaves during the winters and is coming back soon, so my anxiety levels are going up as his daily treatment was unacceptable and really affected my mental health and self esteem. Here is where I need advice. I sent my bosses a letter, telling them that I was quitting because of my paycheck and because of said employee. They came back and asked if I would reconsider if they took care of these two points.…

I sent in my letter of resignation! Yay!

I was their only (ish) employee and worked 7 days/week for…. 11 months! I've been there for a year an a half and have my weekends off since September. I was super underpaid for what I was doing and did a shitload more than expected. There was an other employee not doing the same job as me, who was harassing me and bullying me. Now, this employee leaves during the winters and is coming back soon, so my anxiety levels are going up as his daily treatment was unacceptable and really affected my mental health and self esteem.

Here is where I need advice. I sent my bosses a letter, telling them that I was quitting because of my paycheck and because of said employee. They came back and asked if I would reconsider if they took care of these two points. I told them I would think about it.

They belittled me, not understanding WHY I would be anxious about someone if they are not around (hah, that's not how anxiety works). They said that they had met me in the middle when I had asked for weekends and vacations, after 11 months of non stop work, and that they even went as far as buying me an expensive tool to make my job simpler. The law wouldn't agree about my hours and that expensive tool is not mine, so I really don't feel like I owe them for buying this tool that they will also profit from.

My bosses are millionaires and spend thousands on futile things but cannot pay me a living wage. They also think they are the most generous and helpful rich people to walk this earth. This is not the first time I get in positions where I am used and not paid for my worth.

How can I recounter while making it clear to them that they are not saints for giving me weekends off? They did not offer any sympathy for the way I was treated by their other employee, their excuse was that he was like that with everybody, however I am the only one who has to deal with him on a daily basis. I'm not planning on taking their offer, and I know I am losing my time writing a letter because they won't ever understand, but I still like the idea of making them rethink their whole branding and making them squirm a little (hehe).

(There's a huge labor shortage here and they will probably have a mega hard time replacing me, and if they do replace me, it won't be the same quality nor for the same paycheck)

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