
I needed to take a mental health day off and got fired for it.

This was last Sunday, I had been sick last week having left work early one day and recouping at home my two days off and taking one extra off after that. I am the type of person who feels guilty not going into work wether I am sick or not, I don’t take sick days because I haven’t really been sick in years. So last Saturday night was pretty emotional in my personal life, traumatic to say the least. I get up Sunday morning before my shift and I text the General manager, the operations manager and someone who could cover my shift as well. Telling them all I needed a mental break today from work. That’s when the texts started to flow and ignored the best I could. Finally I just answered the call of the operations manager, so maybe I could some peace and get my mind somewhat…

This was last Sunday, I had been sick last week having left work early one day and recouping at home my two days off and taking one extra off after that. I am the type of person who feels guilty not going into work wether I am sick or not, I don’t take sick days because I haven’t really been sick in years. So last Saturday night was pretty emotional in my personal life, traumatic to say the least. I get up Sunday morning before my shift and I text the General manager, the operations manager and someone who could cover my shift as well. Telling them all I needed a mental break today from work. That’s when the texts started to flow and ignored the best I could. Finally I just answered the call of the operations manager, so maybe I could some peace and get my mind somewhat straight. I explained to him I’m burnt out, feel like I’m being taken advantage of in every aspect of my life and I just needed today to get my shit straight. I am (52) male, who has been working in the culinary industry for almost 30 years. I have been managing kitchens for basically the past 20 years as Chef and or a kitchen manager with very little time off as far as sickness and any kind of personal days. So the operations manager talked to me said how he wanted to cultivate the team he believes in the people and it’s not just about money, blah, blah, blah, in the end of the conversation, he said, take the day enjoy get your head straight and we will talk in the next few days. The next two days are also my normal two days off for the week. The very next morning he tried to text me and ask me how I’m doing when I’m coming back, I simply reply thank you for the help I appreciate it I will get back to you tomorrow. So the very next morning on my day off I told the operations manager I will be in for my shift tomorrow. His response was well before you start back… having read that text I am confused what does he mean by start back I asked for a mental health day off, took my two normal days off, and was coming in to start the week. He asked to have a meeting that next day at 11 before my shift started, I thought OK let’s hear what needs to be said. I set off to work that next day and on the way I receive a text that said I’m having car problems I won’t probably will not be able to make the meeting I will give you a call later. I turn around and went home only to get another text message later that said, we would be better off( the company) if we parted ways now. I simply responded with thank you for the talk I went through the proper channels as to how to get that day off, and everything you said to me on that Sunday was untruthful and I appreciate everything. I know I don’t need to be working for a company like that, but it’s not very good timing especially with the expense of everything being as high at it is. So any extra time off puts a hurt on my financial situation. So I guess in the end trying to take a mental health day off for yourself will only get you fired and make your mental health even worse.

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