
I normally wouldn’t post in this sub but man I’m struggling bad.

HR lady fucked me over. Gave me an attitude and bluntly said “No Im done” after I tried rescheduling an appointment for the second time for a background check. Thing is, I'm physically disabled and cannot drive. Uber will cost me $60. Plus $26 for fingerprints. The HR lady is NOT my employer- and the employer knows I am disabled and cannot drive. My actual work location is a 30 minute walk, the office for the background check is a 30 minute drive. Which I was not made aware of the location until after I was hired by the employer. I am freaking out right now and shaking, Im waiting to try and email my employer but I am scared in case the HR lady sees. This is why I cant call back- she was the one to first answer the phone. I am not a confrontational person, my anxiety…

HR lady fucked me over. Gave me an attitude and bluntly said “No Im done” after I tried rescheduling an appointment for the second time for a background check. Thing is, I'm physically disabled and cannot drive. Uber will cost me $60. Plus $26 for fingerprints.

The HR lady is NOT my employer- and the employer knows I am disabled and cannot drive. My actual work location is a 30 minute walk, the office for the background check is a 30 minute drive. Which I was not made aware of the location until after I was hired by the employer.

I am freaking out right now and shaking, Im waiting to try and email my employer but I am scared in case the HR lady sees. This is why I cant call back- she was the one to first answer the phone. I am not a confrontational person, my anxiety is bad, Like, really bad, I am diagnosed with PTSD and OCD, and really this is all triggering.

The job I was hired on is a custodian job- after I had to quit my other job DUE to anxiety. Cleaning helps, being in an independent environment helps. I have work experience for custodian work, I am very qualified for the job. The job is not an issue for me.

I just need to calm down. If I knew she was gonna act this way, I wouldve went to the job fair that was on Friday for a different company. Thing is, I was HIRED. Or at least SECURED the job. The background check would be no issue.

I cant believe the lady would act so unprofessional all because of a simple rescheduling, didnt even ask me why or anything. Just “no im done” with an attitude. Excuse me, you are not my employer- YOU are not “done”, this isnt your say, You have no authority to deny me a simple rescheduling for no reason, no explanation.

God it has me fucked up.

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