
I officially hit the stage of I hate my job today.

How did we get here? I thought I had a great job, I thought I was lucky. Well boy was I wrong. I said no to joining an additional team and additional work because my focus is my clients and I have 23 more clients than everyone else. That was the start, and from then on it’s been slight digs. I got a write up for the first time in my professional career in June over trivial shit that my job is not even measured by. My manager has no accountability. She has no idea what the fuck is going on and blames that on me. Today? She tells someone the wrong information and then changes it in the system to make it look like she was right. Well of course the system rejects it. She has clients getting mad at her and calling me because I help, of course…

How did we get here? I thought I had a great job, I thought I was lucky. Well boy was I wrong. I said no to joining an additional team and additional work because my focus is my clients and I have 23 more clients than everyone else. That was the start, and from then on it’s been slight digs.

I got a write up for the first time in my professional career in June over trivial shit that my job is not even measured by. My manager has no accountability. She has no idea what the fuck is going on and blames that on me. Today? She tells someone the wrong information and then changes it in the system to make it look like she was right. Well of course the system rejects it. She has clients getting mad at her and calling me because I help, of course I do because I know what’s going on with their account.

She treats me like I don’t know how to do my job and this has all just escalated over the last three months. I’m sticking to my boundaries and I refuse to back down. Of course I’m on the hunt for a new job and I can’t wait to stick it here. I used to love this place… but I’m a Scorpio bitch and when you do me wrong? There is no second chance, and today you crossed that line.

Fuck you all.

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