
I only have a finite amount of time

And I don’t want to spent it doing the same fucking boring shit every day till I’m dead. What’s the damn point of that? Food and shelter should have been the first damn things we secured (hierarchy of needs) after the discovery of agriculture and the industrial revolution should have made it possible for everyone to live somewhat comfortably. Instead the majority of us spend 8 hours a day 5 days a week struggling to keep a roof over our heads and transportation to a place we don’t want to be. Any system that doesn’t secure the bare necessity for the people it’s meant to serve is a failed one.

And I don’t want to spent it doing the same fucking boring shit every day till I’m dead. What’s the damn point of that? Food and shelter should have been the first damn things we secured (hierarchy of needs) after the discovery of agriculture and the industrial revolution should have made it possible for everyone to live somewhat comfortably. Instead the majority of us spend 8 hours a day 5 days a week struggling to keep a roof over our heads and transportation to a place we don’t want to be. Any system that doesn’t secure the bare necessity for the people it’s meant to serve is a failed one.

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