
I opposed a very senior manager today and need some words of encouragement before I go back to work tomorrow

Hello Everyone. I really need to vent because I'm still fuming even though this happened over 5 hours ago. I work as an admin assistant. We currently have huge staffing issues in our company so everyone is overworked and extremely stressed, me included. Yesterday, about 15 minutes before end of day, I received an email from management that I have to complete a long list of safety checks every day before leaving the office. The problem was 1. I didn't have time to do that on that day because there was no notice 2. This checklist was absolutely ridiculous and I would heve to either lie or answer “no” to half of the questions (therefore stating our office does not meet safety standards). I emailed the management my concerns and went home. Today a VSM (very senior manager) called me and said that I should not be concerned and that…

Hello Everyone. I really need to vent because I'm still fuming even though this happened over 5 hours ago.

I work as an admin assistant. We currently have huge staffing issues in our company so everyone is overworked and extremely stressed, me included. Yesterday, about 15 minutes before end of day, I received an email from management that I have to complete a long list of safety checks every day before leaving the office. The problem was 1. I didn't have time to do that on that day because there was no notice 2. This checklist was absolutely ridiculous and I would heve to either lie or answer “no” to half of the questions (therefore stating our office does not meet safety standards). I emailed the management my concerns and went home. Today a VSM (very senior manager) called me and said that I should not be concerned and that the statements on the checklist have to be only more or less true… But I don't feel comfortable signing any official documents (especially the ones regarding safety) with my name when I know they are not 100% true. VSM said I have to submit the list every day but allowed me to send it the following morning so I don't have to stay late (overtime is unpaid). That was also important to me because the checks include things like “the office was locked securely” – how can I say that is true while still sitting in the office? Do I lock it and teleport outside? As I said, it's ridiculous.

Fast forward 5:01pm, I'm about to turn my laptop off and a message from VSM pops up. I know I made a mistake here but I read it instead of just going home and pretending I didn't see it. The message goes “can you send me the checklist for yesterday”. I reply that I can send it tomorrow morning along with the one I was doing today. VSM replies “no, I need it this evening for an audit”. I was ENRAGED. I wrote “sorry, no, I have to go home now” and turned the laptop off.

I am angry and scared at the same time. I expect they will want to have “The Talk” with me tomorrow and even though I am a very good and reliable employee and I always get perfect reviews I'm nervous. They won't fire me but I just don't deal well with confrontation.

I HATE it that every issue is being swept under the carpet. If there really is an audit I hope it will actually show everything that is wrong with this company and force the management to fix it. I don't want the company to get into trouble but I'm not lying for them. This is the hill I'm willing to get fired on.

Wish me luck!

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