
I organized an unofficial union for 10 dollars

I (19m) work at a warehouse as a temp for a large home decor and freight company. Last week, me and a couple other guys were told we needed to come in on Saturday and help unload a couple trailers at a sister location. Sounds like torture but hey, lil bit of overtime so why not Fast forward to Saturday morning. Me and the guys meet with our boss at the main warehouse, where he tells us not to worry and that we'll definitely be done by 1:00 in the afternoon. Whatever dude, let's get over there and handle this shit so we can clock out. And then the clock strikes 12 We are on our second trailer and it's not even 1/5 of the way unloaded because 1. Some dumbass decided to park a faulty forklift in front of the bay, then the battery took a shit. You ever…

I (19m) work at a warehouse as a temp for a large home decor and freight company. Last week, me and a couple other guys were told we needed to come in on Saturday and help unload a couple trailers at a sister location. Sounds like torture but hey, lil bit of overtime so why not
Fast forward to Saturday morning. Me and the guys meet with our boss at the main warehouse, where he tells us not to worry and that we'll definitely be done by 1:00 in the afternoon. Whatever dude, let's get over there and handle this shit so we can clock out.
And then the clock strikes 12
We are on our second trailer and it's not even 1/5 of the way unloaded because
1. Some dumbass decided to park a faulty forklift in front of the bay, then the battery took a shit. You ever see somebody move a forklift with another forklift? It's possible
2. The contents of the trailer were all heavy as FUCK and stacked in a disorderly, almost drunkenly fashion

So we call bossman. You guessed it. Nobody can leave til the trailer's empty. Everybody is rightfully irritated until bossman says we can go to the break room and grab a couple snacks, just let him know what you grab and he'll pay for it. We have to stay an undetermined amount of time longer than we thought, but at least we got mini donuts and snicker bars.

Monday rolls around. Head of the sister location is PISSED. He notices the missing snacks, the wrappers in the trash, and he decides to call bossman and let him know that
A) YoUr EmPlOyEeS sToLe FrOm Me
B) He no longer trusts main warehouse employees

Then, in a spectacularly wacky turn of events, Bossman decides he doesn't wanna pay for the snacks anymore.

So we busted our asses and broke our backs lifting the heaviest boxed beds and bed parts known to man when we were supposed to have the day off. To top it off, we're also inconsiderate thieves who can't be trusted.

Every single guy who worked at the sister location on Saturday was PISSED. We can't get Bossman to follow through on his word and he's been bucking on his shifts, dodging work to avoid us (which increases everybody's workload but that's not the point)

Well I had enough. I decided that since I wasn't trusted, that i wasn't welcome either.

I walked up to all the guys and said “I'll pay for the snacks you took on Saturday if you refuse to go help the sister location if they ask again” literally everybody agreed faster than they agreed to the Terms Of Service on anything they've ever signed up for.

TLDR; my coworkers and I got accused of stealing, so I handled the payment in exchange for their agreement not to help those ungrateful dickwads at sister location anymore

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