
I originally shared this story in r/forexposure, felt it’s appropriate here too…That time in 2009 that a major production production company wanted me to drive a total of 5 hours to cosplay all day as a major character in a film they were promoting – at my own expense.

Pretty much summed up in the title. Those who know me are aware of my fondness for fandom conventions and cosplay – I've even participated in promoting, organizing, running, and when necessary running around trying to unfukc the fukcups of others. I attended a show in SW Ontario summer 2009 for a particular fandom that was having a feature film debut about it, and to my surprise executives from the company behind it were in attendance. I was there dressed as one of my favourite characters and both the main event organizer and studio exec took notice and liked my stuff. I had a good time, got home after and went on with my usual stuff. About a week later the main event organizer finds me online and informed me that the exec wants to talk to me about something nifty. We get in contact and I'm asked to wear…

Pretty much summed up in the title.

Those who know me are aware of my fondness for fandom conventions and cosplay – I've even participated in promoting, organizing, running, and when necessary running around trying to unfukc the fukcups of others. I attended a show in SW Ontario summer 2009 for a particular fandom that was having a feature film debut about it, and to my surprise executives from the company behind it were in attendance.

I was there dressed as one of my favourite characters and both the main event organizer and studio exec took notice and liked my stuff. I had a good time, got home after and went on with my usual stuff.

About a week later the main event organizer finds me online and informed me that the exec wants to talk to me about something nifty. We get in contact and I'm asked to wear my costume at an executive level event promoting the upcoming film.

So I ask for particulars such as how I'm going to be compensated for:

  • taking a weekday off,
  • driving for at least 5 hours total, into one of (if not, the) busiest areas in my country,
  • wearing stuff that gets hot and heavy quickly for about 8 hours,
  • parking costs where the space makes more an hour than a person.

I also asked about who's providing lunch and refreshments for such a long time along with a safe place to change and what safety/security provisions were in place.

The exec's response was essentially …oh I thought you'd do it for free just like you would at a convention?

Predictably I was met with silence when I proposed a modest sum based on what I would be giving up not working that day.

I put this out there for fellow cosplayers, artists, and well anyone with talents people want to use – know your worth, there are people everywhere who express entitlement to exploit you… don't let them.

And to you so called professionals, pay attention to the following:

Please unfukc yourselves most Rikki-Tik. Just because you see people cosplaying as characters at a convention, does not mean we are there for your entertainment and worse – exploitation. We do what we do for our own reasons and if you want us to perform (aka work)… just like Paulie (RIP Paul Sorvino) in Goodfellas would say: Fukc you, pay me.

Eff your entitlement, if you're a professional you will pay people to be professional.

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