
I passed out on the job because my doctor upped my dose of Xanax. Can I get fired for that??

So I suffer from panic disorder, and I take Xanax for my panic attacks. My doctor upped my dose a bit, and I guess it was too much and I ended up passing out at work. They thought something was severely wrong with me so they called the paramedics, but I was fine. Anyways, I got paperwork proving that I had been treated and that the Xanax is my prescription. Can I get fired for that?? I’m in California btw. This is the best job I’ve ever had yet and I’m really nervous. I have to talk to the HR lady today. I’m really nervous.

So I suffer from panic disorder, and I take Xanax for my panic attacks. My doctor upped my dose a bit, and I guess it was too much and I ended up passing out at work. They thought something was severely wrong with me so they called the paramedics, but I was fine. Anyways, I got paperwork proving that I had been treated and that the Xanax is my prescription.
Can I get fired for that?? I’m in California btw. This is the best job I’ve ever had yet and I’m really nervous. I have to talk to the HR lady today. I’m really nervous.

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