
I plan to quit my demanding corporate job in 1 year. How much effort should I put now?

I have a 9-5 job that takes at least 10 hours of my day. It mostly involves using excel and ppt (which I hate) so I procrastinate anyway. I also have a side hustle which is doing very well. I am currently not earning from it, but if I keep at it for 1 year, i'll be able to make decent money. The thing is I need to give it more time so that it grows, which my demanding 9-5 job is not allowing me to. So, my main constraint is time. How do I divide the time between my side hustle and my corporate job? I am already doing the bare minimum at work and floating through the system. I am afraid I might get a bad rating which would effect my career progression. Should I just go ahead and pray that they don't fire me within this one…

I have a 9-5 job that takes at least 10 hours of my day. It mostly involves using excel and ppt (which I hate) so I procrastinate anyway.
I also have a side hustle which is doing very well. I am currently not earning from it, but if I keep at it for 1 year, i'll be able to make decent money. The thing is I need to give it more time so that it grows, which my demanding 9-5 job is not allowing me to.

So, my main constraint is time. How do I divide the time between my side hustle and my corporate job? I am already doing the bare minimum at work and floating through the system. I am afraid I might get a bad rating which would effect my career progression. Should I just go ahead and pray that they don't fire me within this one year time frame? or should I put more effort in my corporate job and let the side hustle grow slowly?

Very eager to know your thoughts. Thanks!

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