
I posted this in another sub but it fits here as well….Husband got employee of the month buuuut…

Husband got employee of the month…buuut.. … the company that he works for awarded him $300, That he was then told would be donated to a charity of his choice. We live paycheck to paycheck….so he donated it to the towns Salvation Army food bank….which we need to visit on occasion. Because just giving him the $300 wouldn't add to their tax deductible I guess….as far as we know it was in the company's name and not his, so they get the deductible.. Makes me sad and upset.

Husband got employee of the month…buuut..

… the company that he works for awarded him $300, That he was then told would be donated to a charity of his choice.

We live paycheck to paycheck….so he donated it to the towns Salvation Army food bank….which we need to visit on occasion.

Because just giving him the $300 wouldn't add to their tax deductible I guess….as far as we know it was in the company's name and not his, so they get the deductible..

Makes me sad and upset.

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