
I probably just quit my job

I work at a liquor store. Things have been getting worse and worse lately. After an incident tonight I wrote an email to my boss and the owner. But I didnt send it. Figured I'd cool down first. Then another incident happened like 90 minutes later. So I sent this email: “Tonight we had another shoplifter in the store. You can watch the video. He came in about 5:45. When I confronted him he pushed through both XXXXXX and I and ran out the door. He got away with around $150 of merchandise. And then at 7:50 a guy walked into the store did a lap and then came up to the til to call me a fxxxxt, tell me that he hopes I die of aids and enjoy sucking cock. Then he said he was going to burn the store down In the time I've been here I've been…

I work at a liquor store. Things have been getting worse and worse lately. After an incident tonight I wrote an email to my boss and the owner. But I didnt send it. Figured I'd cool down first. Then another incident happened like 90 minutes later. So I sent this email:

“Tonight we had another shoplifter in the store. You can watch the video. He came in about 5:45. When I confronted him he pushed through both XXXXXX and I and ran out the door. He got away with around $150 of merchandise.

And then at 7:50 a guy walked into the store did a lap and then came up to the til to call me a fxxxxt, tell me that he hopes I die of aids and enjoy sucking cock. Then he said he was going to burn the store down

In the time I've been here I've been robbed with a weapon twice and I've had customers put their hands on me at least three times now.  And all of us have had to put up with all kinds of abuse from unruly customers.

We need security in the store. No one currently working here is trained or paid to do security work.  And simply having more staff on duty would not have stopped this.  It's clear that this store has been targeted lately. We need security in the store.

So unless you can provide me with a written commitment to hire proper security for this store, then consider this notice of my resignation.  In that case, i will finish out the shifts that are currently assigned to me (until April 24th) at which point my employment will at XXXXXXXX will end.

If you wish to further discuss this, we can do so while I am work between now and the 24th.”

Looking at it now I'm annoyed with a few sentences that needed to be edited.

Anyway, store isn't making money, so they'll never hire security. So I'm looking for work. But things are going to get worse and when someone on staff gets hurt, they wont be able to pretend they didnt know there was a problem.

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