I worked for a very toxic company that would never respect my boundaries. I would be scheduled without breaks, I was making only $9-10 an hour after a promotion (min wage here is $15, I was making commission) and they would try to force me to come in while I was contagious/unwell despite me having very close contact with clients during services.
I tried to put in my two weeks about two months ago and my boss convinced me to stay saying I won’t find another job that accommodates me like they do. I took her word for it, but the job has gotten progressively more hostile since then.
My job requires me to work on peoples faces for hours at a time and I had pink eye, so I called out and my boss got mad at me saying I need to come in anyway because there is no coverage. I thought this seemed very odd and was kind of my last straw.
I applied for other jobs and got one today. I texted my boss (our main way of communicating) and said that I am resigning from my position effective immediately to deal with my health (I have a history of health problems since starting there, so this is a valid excuse) She has not answered my text at all today and I was supposed to work tomorrow and my book has clients in it. I’m not sure if I should just not go in or what?