
I put in my notice, and my boss uninvited me from the annual dinner

So after agonizing about it, I finally put my two weeks in last week. I didn’t want to leave my team during our busiest season but there are a lot of issues I’ve had that never get addressed or resolved. I told my boss I was considering putting my two weeks in, or, if they wanted to keep me we seriously needed to discuss my role and how I move up in the company. They are a good size, they’ve done it for others but it’s rare to move outside of your ‘box’. I checked in with my boss Friday and he casually blew it off, saying he didn’t have time to consider it. So I finally just decided to give my notice. He didn’t even bat a lash. He said “ok thanks for letting me know” and then proceeded to tell me our annual company dinner no longer included…

So after agonizing about it, I finally put my two weeks in last week. I didn’t want to leave my team during our busiest season but there are a lot of issues I’ve had that never get addressed or resolved. I told my boss I was considering putting my two weeks in, or, if they wanted to keep me we seriously needed to discuss my role and how I move up in the company. They are a good size, they’ve done it for others but it’s rare to move outside of your ‘box’. I checked in with my boss Friday and he casually blew it off, saying he didn’t have time to consider it.

So I finally just decided to give my notice. He didn’t even bat a lash. He said “ok thanks for letting me know” and then proceeded to tell me our annual company dinner no longer included me. I was considered “part of the past” now and the company growth is about the future. A large dinner I’ve been in charge of executing. Got the perfect rooftop view he wanted. The specialized company jackets we ordered and kept secret for this event. Happening Friday. I honestly cried a little when I left the office. It felt so spiteful and vindictive, and honestly I didn’t think he’d cut me out of the festivities. It’s a large company. How could my leaving interfere with this dinner at all? Only 20% of the employees probably know who I am!

I’ll miss some people in my department, but man, I wasted my time. Im posting now because today I finally landed a good interview, and I’m feeling optimistic. But the weekend was rough.

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