
I put my two weeks in at one of my jobs because of how my manager talked to me, but I feel like I overreacted.

I work two jobs, one at a convenience store in the early morning and another as a security guard in the evening with some morning shifts but they usually are short and under 5 hours as I am part time (important) My convenience store job sends me my schedules well in advance, so I send those to my supervisor at the security job so she can work around that schedule. I got the next two weeks schedule for the security job yesterday, and my supervisor double scheduled me an opener shift (8 to 3 on Sundays) on top of my morning shift at the store that she already knew about as she had access to my schedule from there. I text everyone I could at the convenience store to see if I could switch shifts, find someone to cover so I could leave early and make it to this opener…

I work two jobs, one at a convenience store in the early morning and another as a security guard in the evening with some morning shifts but they usually are short and under 5 hours as I am part time (important) My convenience store job sends me my schedules well in advance, so I send those to my supervisor at the security job so she can work around that schedule.

I got the next two weeks schedule for the security job yesterday, and my supervisor double scheduled me an opener shift (8 to 3 on Sundays) on top of my morning shift at the store that she already knew about as she had access to my schedule from there.

I text everyone I could at the convenience store to see if I could switch shifts, find someone to cover so I could leave early and make it to this opener shift, or swap with someone. Nobody could (or didn't want to, which I don't blame them)

I text my manager this, to which she responded “so now I get screwed over?! Convenience store can work with my schedule from now on!” While I might have been a bit passive aggressive, I replied to her with “I tried to find someone to cover my shift, and nobody is available. You had access to my schedules since last week and knew about this shift, what else am I supposed to do?” For context, this is the 3rd or 4th time there has been an overlap on her end, and I've managed to get them sorted out at the store until this one.

She then proceeded to send one more text message claiming that those short 5 hour shifts I mentioned ONLY existed to help me out, even though we've had them for years since some of our coworkers were in college and I've only been at the convenience store job for 6 months. I immediately sent screenshots of our conversation to our supervisor and advised him that I am putting in my two weeks as I am not going to be talked to like that for being the second most senior employee ( at 3 years employment) at this specific location.

Did I overreact? I discussed this with my girlfriend and some of my coworkers at the security job and they all seem to agree that leaving is a good choice, but I feel bad about it and am afraid I'm making the wrong choice.

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