
I put my two weeks notice in and am leaving the healthcare field after 5 years.

Since I was 15 I’ve been taking care of people. Started out as a personal assistant worked my way into an adult mental health home and currently for the last year a nursing home. But no more, overwhelmed by all the poor management not knowing who they take care of. Being looked down on for my age despite my knowledge and experience. Overworked even when I’m out of state ( getting called or texted everyday day on vacation is really annoying and borderline harassment ). Underpaid is an understatement I take care of people’s loved one but would make more at McDonald’s. I’m 20 I should have my whole life ahead of me and yet I have no life and sleep my days away because I work NOC shift. Im burnt out by it. Burnt out doesn’t even cover it. The minor mention of work drains me completely and I…

Since I was 15 I’ve been taking care of people. Started out as a personal assistant worked my way into an adult mental health home and currently for the last year a nursing home. But no more, overwhelmed by all the poor management not knowing who they take care of. Being looked down on for my age despite my knowledge and experience. Overworked even when I’m out of state ( getting called or texted everyday day on vacation is really annoying and borderline harassment ). Underpaid is an understatement I take care of people’s loved one but would make more at McDonald’s. I’m 20 I should have my whole life ahead of me and yet I have no life and sleep my days away because I work NOC shift. Im burnt out by it. Burnt out doesn’t even cover it. The minor mention of work drains me completely and I feel 65 and nowhere near retirement. I was gonna progress to be a nurse for the longest time but not anymore. My friend/coworker asked me to just move departments and stay a few nights a week and such but I know while this company needs me to work they don’t appreciate the time I’ve dedicated to this place. I never get appreciated for the things I do or get recognized for the effort and care nor do I get thank you. The next 11 days I will be doing minimal work. I’ll take care of my residents (14 high care) but I will not be going above and beyond for a company that didn’t even move me departments when I asked BECAUSE I was burnt out and told them. I gave them time to fix the issue and they ignored me so I’m leaving. I’m done with healthcare.

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