

After months of being treated like garbage, denied sick days and the company PILING on the work without additions support or compensation I quit. I have been sick for WEEKS and they have threatened to write me up if I take a sick day. I had wisdom teeth surgery schedule for WEEKS and the denied my PTO the day before and it was the last straw. I got a new job and gave them a weeks notice, they’re lucky they are even getting THAT much from me. My manager hasn’t even seen my email due to the long weekend I would pay money to see the look on her face. You claim that you’re too understaffed to get someone to cover for me when I’m sick but make me come cover for others? Good luck finding another sucker to fall for your false promises, never making that mistake again. Now…

After months of being treated like garbage, denied sick days and the company PILING on the work without additions support or compensation I quit. I have been sick for WEEKS and they have threatened to write me up if I take a sick day. I had wisdom teeth surgery schedule for WEEKS and the denied my PTO the day before and it was the last straw. I got a new job and gave them a weeks notice, they’re lucky they are even getting THAT much from me. My manager hasn’t even seen my email due to the long weekend I would pay money to see the look on her face. You claim that you’re too understaffed to get someone to cover for me when I’m sick but make me come cover for others? Good luck finding another sucker to fall for your false promises, never making that mistake again.

Now I just have to decide whether or not to take a REALLY long lunch on my last day.

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