
I quit in 1 week.

And I am going down swinging. I won't be there Monday, striking for my rights. Tuesday my manager comes back from vacation and I may have accidentally caused some issues with them and the team. Oops. I am threatening to call corporate on their shit (only a threat until quit day. I'll include the new shit in my letter). Aside from continuing to rat my managers out at every possible turn, suggestions for how to make my last week fun?

And I am going down swinging.

I won't be there Monday, striking for my rights.

Tuesday my manager comes back from vacation and I may have accidentally caused some issues with them and the team. Oops.

I am threatening to call corporate on their shit (only a threat until quit day. I'll include the new shit in my letter).

Aside from continuing to rat my managers out at every possible turn, suggestions for how to make my last week fun?

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