
I quit my job and felt empowered to do so because of r/antiwork

I hated my job so much. It was unfulfilling, bullshit work and my boss is an unstable boomer who regularly talked about qanon conspiracy theories at work. I was remote and it wasn’t that much work so I thought it would have been perfect. Wrong. I was anxious because I wasn’t doing anything meaningful and was worried when I would be found out. It was hard to not have anytbing to do and imagine a future where I have no skills to take to another job. I was also experiencing depression and anxiety on a scale I have never had before. So i quit. Best decision ever and I have no regrets. Thank you antiwork for empowering me to take another job part time and enjoy my life.

I hated my job so much. It was unfulfilling, bullshit work and my boss is an unstable boomer who regularly talked about qanon conspiracy theories at work.

I was remote and it wasn’t that much work so I thought it would have been perfect. Wrong. I was anxious because I wasn’t doing anything meaningful and was worried when I would be found out. It was hard to not have anytbing to do and imagine a future where I have no skills to take to another job. I was also experiencing depression and anxiety on a scale I have never had before.

So i quit. Best decision ever and I have no regrets. Thank you antiwork for empowering me to take another job part time and enjoy my life.

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