
I quit my job because I was told I take too many breaks.

Last month I got a part-time seasonal job as a stockroom clerk at a gift store, and yesterday I quit after one of the managers told me “Multiple people have complained that you're taking too many breaks.” I was very confused because I told her I only take the one paid 15 minute break that we're allowed during our 5 hour shifts. I asked her if they consider an employee doing something like going to the bathroom to be a break, because I have a pretty weak bladder and usually have to pee every couple hours, so I would use the bathroom once or twice during my shift. She just stared at me blankly and said “You're only allowed to have one 15 minute break.” I reiterated that is the only break I take during my shift, and her response was only “Well people have complained.” I could tell I…

Last month I got a part-time seasonal job as a stockroom clerk at a gift store, and yesterday I quit after one of the managers told me “Multiple people have complained that you're taking too many breaks.”

I was very confused because I told her I only take the one paid 15 minute break that we're allowed during our 5 hour shifts. I asked her if they consider an employee doing something like going to the bathroom to be a break, because I have a pretty weak bladder and usually have to pee every couple hours, so I would use the bathroom once or twice during my shift. She just stared at me blankly and said “You're only allowed to have one 15 minute break.” I reiterated that is the only break I take during my shift, and her response was only “Well people have complained.”

I could tell I wasn't going to get a straight answer out of her, so I just assumed all of the managers and other employees there look down on anyone who needs to use a toilet during their work day, told her “Okay”, finished my shift, and then emailed her my resignation effective immediately.

Maybe I should have just stuck it out for the remaining month, but I don't actually need the job and I didn't want to go into work every day anxious about holding my pee, or looking “lazy” if I stopped to get a drink of water or just idled in any way for longer than a few seconds, because I can only assume they think if you're not actively working every single moment of your shift then it's “taking a break.” Bullshit.

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