
I quit my job because of my homophobic manager

So I started this seemingly great job at this boutique kind of place. It wasn’t open yet so myself and the manager were working every day to get the store ready. I started noticing homophobic comments such as: 1) we carry lgbtq friendly products that had some rainbow decorations on them. He told me, “do these offend you? Because if they do I will gladly take them off the shelves.” 2) we were in desperate need to hire a staff rather quickly and he was letting me sit in and conduct some interviews. As he was going through resumes on Indeed he said: “I’ve had to reject dozens of damn resumes because they have stupid preferred pronouns in them. I don’t want to deal with that gay bullshit in this store all day.” And then he went on a rant about ‘there are only 2 genders last time he checked.’…

So I started this seemingly great job at this boutique kind of place. It wasn’t open yet so myself and the manager were working every day to get the store ready. I started noticing homophobic comments such as:

1) we carry lgbtq friendly products that had some rainbow decorations on them. He told me, “do these offend you? Because if they do I will gladly take them off the shelves.”

2) we were in desperate need to hire a staff rather quickly and he was letting me sit in and conduct some interviews. As he was going through resumes on Indeed he said: “I’ve had to reject dozens of damn resumes because they have stupid preferred pronouns in them. I don’t want to deal with that gay bullshit in this store all day.” And then he went on a rant about ‘there are only 2 genders last time he checked.’

3) on the day I left he had conducted 2 interviews. The first one was an older conservative lady, very nice and professional. He ended up hiring her on the spot despite her having to walk with a cane because of a very pronounced disability (which is fine of course but I was surprised because the job includes a lot of bending over and reaching, moving big heavy items and having to move fast. He said we will just “make do” and we started working on accommodations for her to be able to do the job.

Then the second interview comes in. He let me know before he walked in “I don’t know about this one because one of the jobs listed on his resume was being a doorman at a gay club.” Mind you I had to convince him to do this interview because he was more than qualified. But he was hesitant because another one of the jobs he had listed was called “dragon beauty” and he thought it was actually the trans woman Nikita Dragun, and he didn’t want a trans person working there. It was actually just the name of an e-commerce company he had. Anywho he does the interview and he was just rude as hell and almost made the guy cry because of how uncomfortable he was purposely making him. And then when he left he turned to me and said in DISGUST; “did you see how his eyes lit up when he started talking about that gay club?” And “Ew did you hear how he kept referring to his husband?”He didn’t get the job, shocker.

I left that day and called the owners of the store and told them everything. They said they will definitely have a talk with him and that was it..they expected me to just come back to work with him like nothing happened. It’s a small boutique and I have to work rather closely with him so I I told them that I do not feel comfortable with that at all. I thought they would have immediately fired him but they did not. So I didn’t go back, and it sucks because I would have really loved to work there for a long time. I ended up filling a complaint with the department of labor but who knows what will happen with that-and I’m still out of a job. :/

TLDR: I left my job because of my homophobic manager and the owners didn’t fire him.

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