
I quit my job last month.

I was working at a home depot, at this point I had been there 7 months doing freight. On the 9th the store manager calls the entire department into the training room to “thank us for our hardwork” by giving us Olive Garden. Well before we got our food he gave a speech, starting off with “we're all family here” blah blah blah… ( That was my first red flag)… Well he ended his speech with “you are all replaceable, we have enough applicants to replace you guys at any given moment. Keep up the good work guys, enjoy this olive garden on me.” So of course I served myself the biggest possible to go plate and in front of all my coworkers I told him to go fuck himself, i won't work for someone who shows no respect for me or my coworkers. The next day my S.O quit…

I was working at a home depot, at this point I had been there 7 months doing freight. On the 9th the store manager calls the entire department into the training room to “thank us for our hardwork” by giving us Olive Garden. Well before we got our food he gave a speech, starting off with “we're all family here” blah blah blah… ( That was my first red flag)… Well he ended his speech with “you are all replaceable, we have enough applicants to replace you guys at any given moment. Keep up the good work guys, enjoy this olive garden on me.” So of course I served myself the biggest possible to go plate and in front of all my coworkers I told him to go fuck himself, i won't work for someone who shows no respect for me or my coworkers. The next day my S.O quit once I told her what had transpired. As it happens I ran into a coworker who's still there last night and he said following my walk out 6 of our coworkers also quit within a week not including my S.O and the replacements the store manager had been so proud of are unable to keep up with the workflow we had established resulting in the store manager being in hot water with the district manager for being an average of 4 trucks behind everyday, occasionally 6 trucks as they're only managing to clear a truck a night at best, at worst having to work the previous night's inventory that was returned at the end of the night…

Who would've thought quality can't be replaced so easily.

Tldr: manager disrespected employees, causing a third of the department (8 out of 23) to quit, landing manager in hot water for being unable to manage.

Edit: word

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