
I quit my job yesterday. Here’s the events that led to it.

I used to work at a buffet named Fresh Harvest at a Hard Rock Casino and Hotel location. And let me tell you, it was the absolute worst job I've had. For starters, last Sunday our manager walked out during service. Around the 2-3 hr mark he grabbed his jacket, phone, and computer card and walked out. Nothing has been said about it by any upper management, and they want to continue operations as normal. We've been working anywhere from 10-12 hr shifts a day with only 2 30 minute breaks to equate to a 1 hr lunchtime. Which by the way, the director of food and beverage asked one of my hosts where I was (I was on my 2nd 30) and asked her, “Who decided you guys get a second lunch?!”. She answered him with that it's in the handbook that if you work 8 or more hours…

I used to work at a buffet named Fresh Harvest at a Hard Rock Casino and Hotel location. And let me tell you, it was the absolute worst job I've had.

For starters, last Sunday our manager walked out during service. Around the 2-3 hr mark he grabbed his jacket, phone, and computer card and walked out. Nothing has been said about it by any upper management, and they want to continue operations as normal.

We've been working anywhere from 10-12 hr shifts a day with only 2 30 minute breaks to equate to a 1 hr lunchtime. Which by the way, the director of food and beverage asked one of my hosts where I was (I was on my 2nd 30) and asked her, “Who decided you guys get a second lunch?!”. She answered him with that it's in the handbook that if you work 8 or more hours you have to have a lunch that equates to 1 hr. He apparently rolled his eyes and walked away.

This past work week I had been acting as a supervisor. Not on purpose mind you, but because the trainee supervisor we have kept asking me what to do. Now this trainee has my sympathy for the fact that the manager who was supposed to be training her walked out, however she has no idea on how to handle customer situations. She literally looked at me when I had a problem with a customer and went, “Have you ever dealt with this before?” And when I said no, she had no idea what to do. And earlier that same day she had even ignored my calls for her help twice, causing me and the customers who were waiting on her to get frustrated.

The upper management doesn't do anything other than get annoyed when asked to help. The director of food and beverage is the main offender. He acts all annoyed that we need his card, even if I explain to him how to do it and what needed to be done. Not to mention he does these weird bouts of “encouragement”(?) By passing by us and saying stuff like “Alright,” “Good job,” “You're doing great.” But it's all in a monotone and sometimes he'd slap the podium to get our attention, say a phrase, then walk off as he was talking to us??? Idk it was wild.

Anyways, when I wake up, I'm going to turn my badge and uniform in. Might stop by to say hello to some people. Idk yet. All I know is that I'm glad I left and I encourage the rest of the team to do the exact same. Don't take this mistreatment and abuse from management. Let the place shut down. It'll be their own damn fault when it does.

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