
I quit my second job over $3.74

So just like the title says. I quit over $3.74, and I feel pretty good about it. Unfortunately, I’ve had to take on a second job to make ends meet. The schedule was good, but the pay was shit. I was already having a hard time justifying my time being spent there away from my family when I was making so little. Not to mention I am tired. Anyway, on Wednesday of last week I was 3 minutes late because I was stuck over during my day job and traffic was awful. I punched in and went right to work, I was trying the entire night to catch up with those lost 3 minutes because I’m always challenging myself on my nightly output even though no one else seems to care, it helped me pass the night by competing against myself. At the end of the night, I punched out…

So just like the title says. I quit over $3.74, and I feel pretty good about it.

Unfortunately, I’ve had to take on a second job to make ends meet. The schedule was good, but the pay was shit. I was already having a hard time justifying my time being spent there away from my family when I was making so little. Not to mention I am tired. Anyway, on Wednesday of last week I was 3 minutes late because I was stuck over during my day job and traffic was awful. I punched in and went right to work, I was trying the entire night to catch up with those lost 3 minutes because I’m always challenging myself on my nightly output even though no one else seems to care, it helped me pass the night by competing against myself. At the end of the night, I punched out and the time clock showed my total hours minus 15 minutes. I wrote HR an email asking for clarification, but they never even responded. I then texted my supervisor and he basically said it’s in the handbook so deal with it. So, for my next shift I just texted that I wouldn’t be in. I went back in on Monday to meet with the supervisor and collect my paycheck from the Thursday that I missed. I explained that I had multiple reasons to quit but thanked him for his time. He then told me “I thought it was ironic that you texted me to bitch about 12 minutes but then blew off the entire night”. I told him that I didn’t think it was ironic at all, but that it was the principle of the whole thing. I simply said, nobody wants to run these parts for free for any amount of time, anyone could have told me about the policy, and I would have waited the extra 12 minutes to punch in, but the company chooses to keep that a secret to take advantage of the employees. He then said, “well it was still only like $4”. I told him that he was missing the point and left.

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