
I quit so I’m changing all of my boss’s racist paperwork

I won’t go into detail about what I do except to say I am in social services. I am not a medical professional, but we use a screening tool for intellectual disabilities. If someone gets screened as having an ID, we refer them to diagnostics. They also get flagged in our system as “suspected ID” and they get a few small benefits from our side. You’re supposed to just screen and click yes or no ID. My boss, however, likes finding excuses to not flag people as ID. They’re “underdeveloped” or “they were distracted” or “they just are poorly educated.” The clients she doesn’t flag due to these excuses…yep…all POC. Usually from disadvantaged backgrounds. I tried to say something in the past and every time she would just threaten my job. Finally I just quit because I need job stability, not employment that hinges on the whims of a racist…

I won’t go into detail about what I do except to say I am in social services. I am not a medical professional, but we use a screening tool for intellectual disabilities. If someone gets screened as having an ID, we refer them to diagnostics. They also get flagged in our system as “suspected ID” and they get a few small benefits from our side.

You’re supposed to just screen and click yes or no ID. My boss, however, likes finding excuses to not flag people as ID. They’re “underdeveloped” or “they were distracted” or “they just are poorly educated.”

The clients she doesn’t flag due to these excuses…yep…all POC. Usually from disadvantaged backgrounds.

I tried to say something in the past and every time she would just threaten my job. Finally I just quit because I need job stability, not employment that hinges on the whims of a racist maniac.

These are my notice weeks and I’ve gone through these clients who scored as suspected-ID but weren’t flagged and I flagged them all.

Fuck systemic racism.

If this blows up I will delete so please don’t upvote. I just wanted to share somewhere.

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