
I Quit! TW for talk of SH/SA

So around the end of 2021, I got a phone call from the boss of an extremely small (him + 3-4 employees) company I interned for during college with a job offer. I was working in retail, he was offering me a position as marketing manager. I was pretty unhappy in my job at the time and he was offering a decent raise, so I accepted. I started on January 31st, and walked out this past Tuesday because I couldn’t take it anymore. Here are just a few of the things that happened: -I was groped and/or harassed by MULTIPLE clients, as well as my boss. He frequently would kiss us on the cheek, and occasionally would get very drunk and hold onto us so firmly while kissing all over my face. When this would happen I had to wipe his f*cking spit off of me. -When the issue of…

So around the end of 2021, I got a phone call from the boss of an extremely small (him + 3-4 employees) company I interned for during college with a job offer. I was working in retail, he was offering me a position as marketing manager. I was pretty unhappy in my job at the time and he was offering a decent raise, so I accepted.

I started on January 31st, and walked out this past Tuesday because I couldn’t take it anymore. Here are just a few of the things that happened:

-I was groped and/or harassed by MULTIPLE clients, as well as my boss. He frequently would kiss us on the cheek, and occasionally would get very drunk and hold onto us so firmly while kissing all over my face. When this would happen I had to wipe his f*cking spit off of me.

-When the issue of harassment was brought to him, I shit you not, this was his word for word response: “You’re an extremely attractive young woman, and you’re going to need to learn to deal with that.” I was too stunned to reply at the time.

  • He spent company money to buy himself a new car, motorcycle, $1million sound system, and multiple out of country vacations both for himself and him and his wife. (& That’s only the purchases he made in the time that I was there!) While doing these things, he would complain to his 4 overworked, exhausted employees that we needed to do more because we made company overhead so high. (All 4 of us made roughly 40k.)

  • He constantly pried into my personal life to gain info to later manipulate me with. Without ever meeting my partner, my boss told me that he hated him. On my partner’s birthday, boss followed me out to my car to try to convince me to skip the celebration i had planned in order to work late. He also told me in this convo he was considering leaving his wife.

-We worked in events and we booked, ticketed, marketed, set up/tore down, the whole thing start to finish. Even after working a 2 day music festival, which consisted of roughly 3-4 days working 6am-1am, we had to be in the office at 9am afterwards and work the full week.

Ill stop here, because i truly could go on all day. This was hands down the worst, most dehumanizing job I've ever had-and thats beating out multiple service industry jobs.

I just needed a safe space to get this out. If you've read this far, thank you. Dont ever let an employer treat you with anything other than respect. The money will never be worth the cost.

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