
I quit yesterday and my managers don’t know it yet

Hi, sorry for yet another story but I had to vent. I'm in France and I quit yesterday. I sent the HR department an official “certified” mail to tell them that I quit. I'll still work for my company for the next 3 months (mandatory according to the law), but it's official, they crossed the line and pissed me off too much this time. They don't know yet that I quit because it's done by letter. Once they receive my resignation, they'll enter full-panic mode as I'm the only one handling all their computers and they have been struggling to find someone to help me for the past 6 months. Even if they could hire someone, he would also be stuck in his current job for the next 3 months which means that they will have no one to fix their shit once I'm gone, and I won't be there…

Hi, sorry for yet another story but I had to vent. I'm in France and I quit yesterday. I sent the HR department an official “certified” mail to tell them that I quit. I'll still work for my company for the next 3 months (mandatory according to the law), but it's official, they crossed the line and pissed me off too much this time.

They don't know yet that I quit because it's done by letter. Once they receive my resignation, they'll enter full-panic mode as I'm the only one handling all their computers and they have been struggling to find someone to help me for the past 6 months. Even if they could hire someone, he would also be stuck in his current job for the next 3 months which means that they will have no one to fix their shit once I'm gone, and I won't be there to train the new guy.

I had yet another meeting today with the “managers” who manage nothing, I told them everything that MUST be done to fix their problems and, again, I have been wonderfully ignored as I'm only a stupid NPC in their amazing company. Last but not least, a company with more than 20 managers is not properly managed. 20 morons doing nothing is not a good way to spend money.

For the past 2 years, I got no raise, no nothing, I will give them nothing in return.

And if my moronic boss is reading this, I have already found another job that pays way better with better people (or so I hope but that's another story). Thanks for reading, and thanks for being there.

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