
I really like to share this image that I found in linkedin, from a shitty managment guru and share my response with you. I’m not very good at english, so i translated it with google. Hope you understand.

The concept of resigning implies voluntarily leaving a job in this case. A “silent resignation”? It is misleading and I dare say malicious. “Set limits” is being equated with “relinquishing responsibilities.” They are two completely opposite things. I believe that management has to stop looking definitively for new phenomena that have existed since the beginning of the industrial revolution (we are talking about the year 1760, 262 years have passed). A little history of the labor movement would be enlightening for these people. The very revolutionary definition of quiet quitting has its first historical record in 1904, it consisted of working under regulations. The only thing except the new definition is the “silent” word, in the past the work under regulation was organized among the workers of the same factory to pressure for better working conditions. Nowadays, as Bauman says, the individual “licks his wound alone”, the institutions that previously…

The concept of resigning implies voluntarily leaving a job in this case. A “silent resignation”? It is misleading and I dare say malicious. “Set limits” is being equated with “relinquishing responsibilities.” They are two completely opposite things. I believe that management has to stop looking definitively for new phenomena that have existed since the beginning of the industrial revolution (we are talking about the year 1760, 262 years have passed). A little history of the labor movement would be enlightening for these people.

The very revolutionary definition of quiet quitting has its first historical record in 1904, it consisted of working under regulations. The only thing except the new definition is the “silent” word, in the past the work under regulation was organized among the workers of the same factory to pressure for better working conditions. Nowadays, as Bauman says, the individual “licks his wound alone”, the institutions that previously united collective interests are fragmented, so it's expected that workers don't find the tools to organize and fight for their rights.

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