
I really REALLY wish I could quit

This is more of a rant than an informative post so I apologize in advance. I work at Walmart and it is honestly soul crushing. I could write a book on all the unsafe, unethical and downright unnecessary bullshit I've seen in my almost 9 years at this shit hole of a company. I and several other coworkers have tried many different approaches to reporting this behavior but nothing is ever done and really, I'm just tired of it all. You know who gets promoted here? A former manager at my store got promoted to run his own store. This man hits in every young girl that walks in the door. He was a former “resource officer” at a high school and was fired for “dating” high school girls. He slept with an associate AT THE STORE. All the hourly supervisors? Young 20 something's that kiss ass and are friends…

This is more of a rant than an informative post so I apologize in advance.

I work at Walmart and it is honestly soul crushing. I could write a book on all the unsafe, unethical and downright unnecessary bullshit I've seen in my almost 9 years at this shit hole of a company. I and several other coworkers have tried many different approaches to reporting this behavior but nothing is ever done and really, I'm just tired of it all. You know who gets promoted here? A former manager at my store got promoted to run his own store. This man hits in every young girl that walks in the door. He was a former “resource officer” at a high school and was fired for “dating” high school girls. He slept with an associate AT THE STORE. All the hourly supervisors? Young 20 something's that kiss ass and are friends with the salaried managers. Managers routinely threaten associates jobs, instruct them to do unethical things and violate not just Walmart policy but several health codes. I don't buy anything “fresh” at this store. Meat, dairy, frozen and produce pallets are all left on the floor for hours at a time EVERY DAY.

Our former co-manager was “drunk” and started texting several male associates asking if they wanted to party and sending dick pics. He was “under investigation” for close to 3 months despite the mountain of evidence and was finally fires when they sent a different store manager in to do the deed. Rumor was our market manager was too “emotionally involved” to come fire the guy.

We had a visit from corporate people for some BS award we won. Like most Walmarts our store looks like complete shit. They put any cleaning off until the last minute (typical) and realized the floor (white tiles) was pretty well fucked. They had salaried managers, hourly supervisors and several associates SPRAY PAINT the floor white to make it look clean. No masks were provided. This was actually reported to OSHA by a couple of associates but they were told something along the lines of “well we talked to them and it won't happen again”.

Unfortunately in my area there isn't much of a job market outside of part time jobs offering like 12 hours a week or fast food jobs. I don't see any other options but I really don't think I can do this anymore. If you know anyone who is thinking of working at Walmart please tell them to not do it. Browse the Walmart subreddit if you want a good idea of what it's like.

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