
I refuse to work hard for a job that has a pay ceiling

There's no incentive to work extra hard at a job like a distribution center. You make the same as everyone else unless they've been there long enough to cap out. A few years ago my friend and I both my friend and I applied as a loader for trucks at a company that rhymes with Callmart DC. He busted his ass every day to exhaustion hit every incentive every day but never got his promised Walmart bucks or free meals. Meanwhile I did just enough to not get fired. Guess what we both got paid 16.17 an hour. Meanwhile when there was overtime I always got it because I wasn't exhausted while my buddy never did overtime because he was too exhausted. In this example my lazy ass made more. Recently I saw him and he's now worked there I think 5 years and has long sense hit his pay…

There's no incentive to work extra hard at a job like a distribution center. You make the same as everyone else unless they've been there long enough to cap out. A few years ago my friend and I both my friend and I applied as a loader for trucks at a company that rhymes with Callmart DC. He busted his ass every day to exhaustion hit every incentive every day but never got his promised Walmart bucks or free meals. Meanwhile I did just enough to not get fired. Guess what we both got paid 16.17 an hour. Meanwhile when there was overtime I always got it because I wasn't exhausted while my buddy never did overtime because he was too exhausted. In this example my lazy ass made more. Recently I saw him and he's now worked there I think 5 years and has long sense hit his pay ceiling hes all proud of being a lead, they let him run equipment and in charge of alot more shit but guess what he still makes the same as the basic grunt who's been there just as long. My buddy isn't smart but he's the hardest worker I've ever met. He seriously does 3 people's and thats a conservative estimate. He makes the pallets loads them and loads the trailers by hand. 3 peoples jobs 3 separate pay checks this multi billion dollar company should be writing. 3 times the possibility to get fired if you start slacking and 3 times the possibility for error all with zero financial compensation. I wish more people realized these titles they give you for working so hard mean jack shit. The cap at this particular company hits at I believe 3 years. If you've silent worked just above production and if you've busted your ass off doesn't matter you make the same as Mr all star over there.

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