
I refused to work (a tiny bit) off the clock, and now my days at my promising new job are counted.

For context, I work in Mexico and just graduated uni with a degree on I/O Psychology I've worked at fast food retail (mostly pastry shops) for the large majority of my higher education and since I was getting better offers by going up the ladder rather than taking an entry level HR job, I landed a job as a store manager for a national chain and left my former job (which I loved , and still do) due to potential growth and higher salary. Also I just started a new family business at home where I deliver pastries of my own to close friends and family, so I can have that going for me in the future. That was a 4 weeks ago and was put on some sort of a trial contract, which is up next week. I've been moved around all 4 operating shops in the chain since…

For context, I work in Mexico and just graduated uni with a degree on I/O Psychology

I've worked at fast food retail (mostly pastry shops) for the large majority of my higher education and since I was getting better offers by going up the ladder rather than taking an entry level HR job, I landed a job as a store manager for a national chain and left my former job (which I loved , and still do) due to potential growth and higher salary. Also I just started a new family business at home where I deliver pastries of my own to close friends and family, so I can have that going for me in the future.

That was a 4 weeks ago and was put on some sort of a trial contract, which is up next week. I've been moved around all 4 operating shops in the chain since I'm supposed to be taking charge of a new one opening next month.

Thing is, I was left in charge today of a store that not only was I oblivious to how it was managed or arranged, but was also literally on the other side of city relative to where I live, so I had a really tough day getting to grasp and I fully accept I did not perform as well as expected, which kinda bummed me.

As I was (sloppily) closing, I was asked by a supervisor to show up half an hour earlier tomorrow to deliver some stuff for other shops at a totally different spot that I was appointed to,which would have taken me up to an extra hour to move around, but since I have a delivery arranged tomorrow that conflicts me from doing so and was already exhausted, I simply replied “My working hours are 1 to 10”.

Not even 3 minutes later I get a text from the owner telling me he does not appreciate my attitude and does not think me fit for the position I'm working towards, and I should just leave it at that.

On retrospective, maybe I should have given a more thorough explanation on why I wasn't willing to budge, especially since I literally offer up to do ANYTHING during my hours just so I can learn the ropes of actually managing a business since I want to have my own one day, that really broke me and soon after I started getting scoffed at by other managers in group chat due to some things I left unchecked at the store, which again, I was not all that familiar with (a supervisor actually played devil's advocate on the matter) but the whole thing really broke my morale and now I'm not sure I'll be employed in a few days, due to my current contract expiring and what my employer clearly thinks of me.

I just wanted to vent since I don't really know how to feel about this other than dread of being unemployed for the first time in years, and part of me thinks maybe I should have just complied.

TLDR- I refused to work slightly off the clock without giving an explanation and now my days at work are most likely counted.

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