
I regret going to HR when I was angry

I work for a very small company (50-75). There are less than 4 people in my department. One of the 4 left. I work an administrative role under my 2 managers. They both assign work to me. When one of them is out, I handle that manager's case load completely. I work well with one but the other one I've had an issue with more recently. One of my managers went on leave for a week. It was awful when they left because the other manager refused to not assign me work that was his. I have my own responsibilities on top of the role I was stepping into when they were out. This manager and I had multiple conversations about this issue but he ignores us and does whatever he wants since he's been with the company for so long. Things escalated the other day and I went to…

I work for a very small company (50-75). There are less than 4 people in my department. One of the 4 left. I work an administrative role under my 2 managers. They both assign work to me. When one of them is out, I handle that manager's case load completely. I work well with one but the other one I've had an issue with more recently. One of my managers went on leave for a week. It was awful when they left because the other manager refused to not assign me work that was his. I have my own responsibilities on top of the role I was stepping into when they were out. This manager and I had multiple conversations about this issue but he ignores us and does whatever he wants since he's been with the company for so long. Things escalated the other day and I went to HR. I explained the dynamic that was happening, the disrespect and rudeness of the manager I have an issue with, and that all I want is for him to take care of his own things when my other manager is gone unless I reach out to him and request the work if I'm caught up.

HR got on the call with me and downplayed my issue. The first thing they asked is why I went to HR about this. Then it went to the topic of overtime is normal when someone is out (I never said I had an issue with overtime). Then he came up that whatever method he works brings results($$). They then told me I have to speak to a higher up that our department is under. He has a personal relationship with the manager I complained about.

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