
I saw this post and as a Norwegian, it kinda upsets me

Here’s the link to the post: It basically explains how Norway is a good country compared to the US, but the way it lables Norway as a socialist nation is not even correct. I’m not right leaning, but we have to acknowledge that Norway (and all the other nordics) are capitalistic countries. We’re social democracies. We’re also way more politically homogenous, have different demographics of people living inside our country and a drastically lower population. This comparison is just pathetic and such a bad way of pointing out the negative sides of the US

Here’s the link to the post:

It basically explains how Norway is a good country compared to the US, but the way it lables Norway as a socialist nation is not even correct. I’m not right leaning, but we have to acknowledge that Norway (and all the other nordics) are capitalistic countries. We’re social democracies. We’re also way more politically homogenous, have different demographics of people living inside our country and a drastically lower population. This comparison is just pathetic and such a bad way of pointing out the negative sides of the US

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