
I screwed myself…

I have worked for a small organization at a state institution for 3+ years. It is a temporary job while I finish up graduate school. I work part-time and make barely enough to break even despite buying nothing but food. At the beginning, I was happy to get a job because despite having a BS in Computer Science, I could not get a tech job or pass the interviews. When I began working at this job I was hired to upkeep their site, then my duties increased to recreating their site, now I do 90% of their marketing, I am their video editor, photographer, web developer, etc. I have seen no increase in pay. Not only that, they lack any resources to do my job. When I first started it was frustrating to me, and I could not complete any of my tasks with their computers which are 10+ years…

I have worked for a small organization at a state institution for 3+ years. It is a temporary job while I finish up graduate school. I work part-time and make barely enough to break even despite buying nothing but food. At the beginning, I was happy to get a job because despite having a BS in Computer Science, I could not get a tech job or pass the interviews. When I began working at this job I was hired to upkeep their site, then my duties increased to recreating their site, now I do 90% of their marketing, I am their video editor, photographer, web developer, etc. I have seen no increase in pay. Not only that, they lack any resources to do my job. When I first started it was frustrating to me, and I could not complete any of my tasks with their computers which are 10+ years old. I used my own laptop, which eventually died and now they expect so much from me that I don't know how to get them to stop. I asked for a pay raise in accordance to my skills and duties and they refused saying that I didn't fill out the mandatory performance evaluation which they would use as a reference to see how my duties have changed. I was never told to do a performance evaluation in my 3 years working here. I am frustrated. I am considering quitting because it is now affecting my academic career and my mental health. Even quitting though makes me feel like shit, because they used all my personal equipment for years and it shows. I feel like I've been robbed.

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