
I screwed up at my new job and got fired. No idea what I’m supposed to do now.

My first day on the job (Friday), I get set up for a training with a Translation Project Manager who was gonna show me the ropes. By the end of the 30 minute call, I was still lost. He had given me an overview of what I was supposed to do, then left me to my own devices, saying the tasks were supposed to get done by the end of the day. He also said that “it gets nasty in here” when he described a few of our tasks, which kinda freaked me out. Two hours later, I haven't gotten any job done, and I felt guilty over getting paid for not doing anything and didn't want to get scolded or something, so I impulsively clock out. A supervisor later calls me to ask what was up, and I explain to her my worries about the training I received and…

My first day on the job (Friday), I get set up for a training with a Translation Project Manager who was gonna show me the ropes. By the end of the 30 minute call, I was still lost. He had given me an overview of what I was supposed to do, then left me to my own devices, saying the tasks were supposed to get done by the end of the day. He also said that “it gets nasty in here” when he described a few of our tasks, which kinda freaked me out.

Two hours later, I haven't gotten any job done, and I felt guilty over getting paid for not doing anything and didn't want to get scolded or something, so I impulsively clock out. A supervisor later calls me to ask what was up, and I explain to her my worries about the training I received and the whole onboarding process, to which she says my trainer “was just nervous because he's going on paternity leave soon”. I'm like okay…and I tell her I'm clocking on in Monday.

The same thing happens… An hour passes and I'm not sure of what to do. No one contacts me and I'm not sure who I'm supposed to reach out to… Then the first message I get is “Is it fair to assume you're not coming back?” which doesn't really match up with the conversation we had in Friday. I'm literally paralyzed and don't know what to make of the situation, nothing makes sense in my head. A few hours later she texts me “it becomes clear you are not interested in be job, thank you and good luck.”

So yeah. Finding a remote job in this field as a masters student is incredibly difficult. This was the only job offer I've gotten all year yet I seem to be completely inept in corporate settings like this. My previous editor job had ended my contract early “despite the good quality of my work,” because there just wasn't enough work to do. What alternatives do I even have? Finding a job and making money to sustain myself just seems more and more elusive as time goes by.

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