
I secretly hate this guy at my work who keeps making advances towards me (please click for details)

Guys I don’t wanna sound like an asshole but being very honest I’m 27 and have my life in order and this guy is SIGNIFICANTLY older and has 2 kids he’s never met, a whole lot of debt, and he kind of looks like a troll (I don’t wanna sound mean he’s just not good looking) yet has this cockiness around me talking as if he’s so hot. Yeah he drives a fancy Tesla and Audi, yeah he earns well, but he told me out of his own choice that HE chose to have never met his kids (13 and 11) and pays child support. it’s like he thinks I don’t see through these things and has a cockiness for his job and cars from the way he talks. To me he is a man child, immature, acting like life is all jolly when he’s not there for his kids,…

Guys I don’t wanna sound like an asshole but being very honest I’m 27 and have my life in order and this guy is SIGNIFICANTLY older and has 2 kids he’s never met, a whole lot of debt, and he kind of looks like a troll (I don’t wanna sound mean he’s just not good looking) yet has this cockiness around me talking as if he’s so hot. Yeah he drives a fancy Tesla and Audi, yeah he earns well, but he told me out of his own choice that HE chose to have never met his kids (13 and 11) and pays child support.

it’s like he thinks I don’t see through these things and has a cockiness for his job and cars from the way he talks. To me he is a man child, immature, acting like life is all jolly when he’s not there for his kids, and going after someone way younger than him. Due to his child support payments he has to live in his parents basement and doesn’t cook for himself he gets food from his mother. I’m low key disgusted at him.

Today, a female coworker friend gave me a bracelet as a gift. I was very appreciative but a bit worried and said hey this looks really expensive It’s gorgeous, could I give you a bit of money for it? I appreciate the gesture but it feels a lot!

Later on the guy asked if it made me uncomfortable when she gave me the gift, I said a little bit, worried about the price and wanted to pay some. He said in the most flirtatious tone, you know if you’re with me, you wouldn’t have to worry about things like that, with my exes I never gave any gifts. 😉 I was like… Never? I’m confused, you’re making it sound like a good thing. I was very touched by her gift and I myself love to give gifts. You mean you think it’s good to have never given your exes a gift, and think I would think that’s Good? He’s like Yeah like you wouldn’t be uncomfortable with price and spending on it and all


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