
I should be happy, but I feel hollow inside.

Hi everyone. I'm a long time lurker but a few things happened that motivated me to post here for the first time. I'm a recent college graduate and my graduation ceremony is coming up in less than a week. This should be one of the happiest times in my life, but based on the way things are going in the US right now, I've lost all hope for my future. I want to be joyous and celebrate that I've managed to get a college degree during a goddamn pandemic, but all I am experiencing is acute despair. All of my professors are urging us to go to graduate school, but I honestly don't know if I have it in me to keep going. I want to do my best to help people (graduating in psychology) and that has kept me going for so long and has kept me aiming towards…

Hi everyone. I'm a long time lurker but a few things happened that motivated me to post here for the first time.

I'm a recent college graduate and my graduation ceremony is coming up in less than a week. This should be one of the happiest times in my life, but based on the way things are going in the US right now, I've lost all hope for my future. I want to be joyous and celebrate that I've managed to get a college degree during a goddamn pandemic, but all I am experiencing is acute despair.

All of my professors are urging us to go to graduate school, but I honestly don't know if I have it in me to keep going. I want to do my best to help people (graduating in psychology) and that has kept me going for so long and has kept me aiming towards graduate school, but I feel like this country is rapidly spiraling towards a dystopian future, and I am starting to wonder if I should be packing a suitcase and starting a new life somewhere else. I want to have hope for the future and be able to apply myself to help others going through what I am going through but the state of things is leaving me crushed.

I was raised by a staunch republican family and I became a leftist during the pandemic. Being the only person with these beliefs in my family has honestly left me feeling really isolated, and ofc they are blaming “college indoctrination” for the conclusions that I reached on my own (with the help of this sub). This on top of the state of things makes me want to reach out to you guys to get a sense of community I guess.

I'm sorry if this is the wrong sub for this type of conversation, but I felt this is antiwork enough to belong.

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