
I should have never returned to construction

I originally left the industry after 1.5 years of working as a graduate site engineer out of university. The lack of support and long hours had become unbearable. I had other jobs in that time, some even outside civil engineer, which I quite enjoyed. After about 10 months, someone from my old project reached out to me (they worked for a different company) and they had always agreed it was a shit environment but hoped that if I joined this company, things could be better for me. I took it since I enjoyed the job and simply didn’t enjoy management + lack of support and hours. I now work even longer hours on weekdays, along with Saturdays. I am also now scrutinised for anything I do, while ignored when I ask for help. The salary seems good, but when you break it down by the hour, you’re bordering minimum wage…

I originally left the industry after 1.5 years of working as a graduate site engineer out of university. The lack of support and long hours had become unbearable. I had other jobs in that time, some even outside civil engineer, which I quite enjoyed.

After about 10 months, someone from my old project reached out to me (they worked for a different company) and they had always agreed it was a shit environment but hoped that if I joined this company, things could be better for me. I took it since I enjoyed the job and simply didn’t enjoy management + lack of support and hours.

I now work even longer hours on weekdays, along with Saturdays. I am also now scrutinised for anything I do, while ignored when I ask for help. The salary seems good, but when you break it down by the hour, you’re bordering minimum wage – welcome to NZ were employment rights are virtually non-existent and not taken very seriously. I really wish it was the social paradise people make it out to be. I never take breaks and end up eating my first meal of the day at 2pm after starting the day at 6.30am.

I have handed in my resignation and have 3.5 weeks left (even though I only needed to give them a two week notice). Wish me luck because 3.5 weeks seems like a life time right now.

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