
I shouldn’t feel scared to call in sick.

So I work 9-5, and last night around 4:00 a.m, I started throwing up, and it wouldn't stop. I hadn't had a lot to eat the night before so of course, I'm worried. Anyway, the vomitting finally stops around 6:00 a.m, and I went to call in for work because I'm queasy, dizzy and can barely walk. Tell me why the fuck I was scared shitless to do so? Why am I scared of missing a shift because I'm sick? This is fucking ridiculous. I called in anyway but it's still so stupid to me that I'm legitimately terrified of calling in. What the fuck kind of brainwashing is this?!

So I work 9-5, and last night around 4:00 a.m, I started throwing up, and it wouldn't stop. I hadn't had a lot to eat the night before so of course, I'm worried. Anyway, the vomitting finally stops around 6:00 a.m, and I went to call in for work because I'm queasy, dizzy and can barely walk.

Tell me why the fuck I was scared shitless to do so? Why am I scared of missing a shift because I'm sick? This is fucking ridiculous.

I called in anyway but it's still so stupid to me that I'm legitimately terrified of calling in. What the fuck kind of brainwashing is this?!

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