
I shouldn’t have to lie to go on a break

Both my previous and one of my current jobs think it's okay to keep me from my allotted break time which is fucking ridiculous. How come the guy I work with gets an hour to himself but I'm stuck in the god damn kitchen my entire shift because it “might get busy”? Today I had to lie and say I needed to make an important phone call in order to take a break. Might make it a 30 minute phone call, we'll see.

Both my previous and one of my current jobs think it's okay to keep me from my allotted break time which is fucking ridiculous. How come the guy I work with gets an hour to himself but I'm stuck in the god damn kitchen my entire shift because it “might get busy”? Today I had to lie and say I needed to make an important phone call in order to take a break. Might make it a 30 minute phone call, we'll see.

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