
I snapped on my boss today…

My boss is a complete narcist and racist. I had friday this week, so tomorror, off day as it stood in the plan. Yet, my boss assigned me in on friday morning tomorrow today as I saw in the plan, without informing me. Tomorror I have an emergency appointment for my cat, as he just got castrated and needs the stitches to be removed, I am the only one available rn to do so, as I originally had the day off… I spoke wih my coworker, and he said its ok to switch shifts so I work in the afternoon, and he in the morning. I asked my boss if thats ok, and then she snapped and got upset… Also, if an asian or black person comes into our workplace, she makes racist jokes about it right away. So, I talked to my boss about it, and she told be…

My boss is a complete narcist and racist.

I had friday this week, so tomorror, off day as it stood in the plan. Yet, my boss assigned me in on friday morning tomorrow today as I saw in the plan, without informing me. Tomorror I have an emergency appointment for my cat, as he just got castrated and needs the stitches to be removed, I am the only one available rn to do so, as I originally had the day off… I spoke wih my coworker, and he said its ok to switch shifts so I work in the afternoon, and he in the morning. I asked my boss if thats ok, and then she snapped and got upset… Also, if an asian or black person comes into our workplace, she makes racist jokes about it right away.

So, I talked to my boss about it, and she told be I have been behaving bad recently, and completely blames everything on her employees and talks bad about them on every turn. I took everything she said, but then she said “can no one else in your family do this dumb appointment?” and laughed it off after I told her I needed the day off for my cats appointment. Then, I snapped cause that got too far. I told her she has her own issues and problems, and told her she forgets this and that too, and makes mistakes here n there too. She even wants her employees to come in whilst sick. She told me “You aint gonna make me sick, so just stay, doesnt matter” even though out job consists of a LOT of contact with people. IF you tell her you are sick, she gets really upset.

She said I should then look for another job, and I told her I should peobably leave this $hithole. Her Aruements didnt really make sense either, as I told her that, but insisted that she is right in every turn. I even told her I make mistakes here n there too, and come up with a solution for that too, and dont repeat the same mistake twice, but she does not want to see her own flaws and blames all coworkers and me.

I finished my shift today, but just wanna say to her “have a great day, lets see how you do without me” and just go home and quit tomorrow… What would you do ?

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