
I start a 3rd job Tuesday, this is why.

I am an almost 21yr old, who just got his own place (2 months so far), I have no saved money, no car, and am trying to move to a better place. My rent is 650 a month, my gas bill is ~35, and my electric (per month, due to it being almost 100 in my apartment if I turn the air off) is 150. At the first job, working full time, I would make 960 a check, but with no money saved, bills always being due, and need 250 bucks to get into my place, I have been slowly making ground, but barely. With bills and food, I have maybe 5 dollars left over if I'm lucky. I cook in bulk, I carpool to work, and I still barely break even. So I've gotten a second part time job working for red lobster for about 6hrs a week, and…

I am an almost 21yr old, who just got his own place (2 months so far), I have no saved money, no car, and am trying to move to a better place. My rent is 650 a month, my gas bill is ~35, and my electric (per month, due to it being almost 100 in my apartment if I turn the air off) is 150. At the first job, working full time, I would make 960 a check, but with no money saved, bills always being due, and need 250 bucks to get into my place, I have been slowly making ground, but barely. With bills and food, I have maybe 5 dollars left over if I'm lucky. I cook in bulk, I carpool to work, and I still barely break even. So I've gotten a second part time job working for red lobster for about 6hrs a week, and I'm starting a new job (unfortunately through a temp agency, but hey, 16/hr, after they take their cut I assume, is pretty good). I make 12 at my full time, about ~11.50 (I got paid, but I don't know the exact amount I get an hour as of now, I worked 9.5hrs and make 104 after taxes). And the third job is 16. I'm doing all this and working on finding a different full time job, hoping to make ~16/hr from it as well, to try and save to get myself a vehicle, a cheaper place, and eventually be able to quit all the part times so I can relax. Personally, I don't mind working 2 jobs, maybe even 3 (we'll see), but I shouldn't have to work 3 jobs to just finally start saving money. It's annoying and downright stupid that I even have to consider having a second job, much less a third one. But without a GED or a HS diploma, my jobs are limited, and even more so because I don't have a college degree. I just hope one day, that no one will have to work 2 or more jobs just to be able to live. One job should be all you need to pay bills, get food, and still have some to save.

TLDR: I really don't like that I have to work 3 jobs, and explain why I'm doing so, due to expensive crap.

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