I've been unemployed nearly 3 years now. I'm 37 and had always did work as a cook. I was always good at it, but even the best cook job I had kept me in poverty.
My last job paid me $13hr and charged me $10 per work shirt. I was “well paid” too. My colleagues got $10hr if they were lucky. Imagine having to work an hour or more just to pay for a shirt so you don't have to ruin your own…. the boss also sold them at a 100% mark up.
Today, I started as a painter for a public school system. My direct supervisor is awesome. My colleagues are super welcoming and helpful. I get paid vacation on top of getting spring break and Christmas break off (3 weeks, paid). I was provided with a toolbox + tools, 5 button down shirts, a windbreaker, and they took me to a shoe store to buy me protective boots. Eventually after I take a course, I will have have a company van to get to job sites.. I was honestly overwhelmed. They even told me to take my time while working! What?!?!?! My boss also told me we get 30min lunches, but to take a 45min. My hours aren't docked either.
And I get to hold a paint brush all day! My job is 40hrs a week of r/oddlysatisfying material.
I'm still cautiously optimistic, but jeez you guys… I never thought I would make it out. I can actually breathe.