
I started at the front desk, worked my way to be the office manager, and realized I was being paid less than the current front desk employees and had less “benefits”

I started working at the front desk at a health office. I simply checked people in and out and did a few insurance checks. Not much else. At the time there was 3 other employees; office manager, front office manager, and another front desk employee, alongside myself. This company had multiple levels of work on a local and state level, so the workload differed widely from office manager to front office manager. One by one they started to quit and the responsibilities were getting relegated to the remaining employees while they started finding other employees to backfill them. It got to a point however I was the ONLY employee left. I was working effectively 4 positions in one. Double front desk, front office manager and office manager. I was trying to order supplies, check insurances, work with other health companies, go to conferences and meet ups to discuss contracts, sign…

I started working at the front desk at a health office. I simply checked people in and out and did a few insurance checks. Not much else. At the time there was 3 other employees; office manager, front office manager, and another front desk employee, alongside myself. This company had multiple levels of work on a local and state level, so the workload differed widely from office manager to front office manager.

One by one they started to quit and the responsibilities were getting relegated to the remaining employees while they started finding other employees to backfill them. It got to a point however I was the ONLY employee left. I was working effectively 4 positions in one. Double front desk, front office manager and office manager. I was trying to order supplies, check insurances, work with other health companies, go to conferences and meet ups to discuss contracts, sign on other companies we worked with, verify benefits with lawyers and discuss contracts with them, literally writing the book on our policies and prices… all while checking people in and out and handling the schedule for 5 medical providers on a daily basis. I was working 80-100 hours a week. 6am-8pm most days, 6 days a week. Saturday we closed at noon but I would stay till 8pm to catch up and take Sunday off but still came in sometimes.

Finally we got a new employee. She helps at the front desk for a little. We get a second and she’s supposed to be a dedicated back room insurance verification employee. Basically I was supposed to stay at the front for a bit, help out front until the other employee got there, then went to the back to fulfill the office manager position.

One day the back office lady disappears. She got sick and I thought she quit. I never saw or heard from her again. No work was being done with her name on it.

Fast forward a month or so and she randomly shows up at work on a Saturday after hours. I was like wtf are you doing here? She says the boss told her to come in specifically after hours to grab some stuff since she was working at home and the boss couldn’t give it to her.

This was right at the beginning of Covid and my roommate is immune compromised so I had been BEGGING to work from home since everything I was doing by then was online; emails, ordering shit, spreadsheets etc and they always said no because it wouldn’t be secure. I said I would be happy to oblige whatever was needed to make it secure but they always said no. Turns out they just gave all that stuff to a new employee and didn’t want to pay to get me set up as well. Out of curiosity I lied and said hey pretty cool we got that raise right? And she goes yeah I really needed that, $25/hr has been nice. I was making $16/hr.

Boss came in, I asked for a raise, he said though I had been with the company for a year, I hadn’t been in that office manager position for a year so I couldn’t ask for a raise yet. But that he could do it in 6 months instead of a year.

Fast forward again and they other front desk lady tells me they asked her to be the front office manager. So at this point I’m the office manager and front desk employee making the least amount of money, having been there the longest and doing the most amount of work. Then they say they’re planning on hiring a different office manager so I can just handle the front desk, as a basic employee. Like a thank you for all your exhausting work, you don’t have to do as much stuff, you can relax now.

I couldn’t believe it. Quit on the spot and left all my projects undone with no notes. Good fucking luck.

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