
I stood up to my employer and it paid off: a happy story.

So without getting into too much detail. I have a daytime (very busy) job. I try to augment my income with a shift-based side job. Basically when they have openings they reach out to me and I say “I can do days X, Y and Z”. I do about 3 or 4 shifts every couple of months. It’s a nice income boost. A couple month ago they reached out to me for a straight weeks worth of shifts that needed to be covered. Because I have another job, I said I can take Friday off from my regular job and do Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So now they only needed someone to cover the 4 other days. They confirmed. I was supposed to request the time off from my regular job but I got delayed. A couple days later, they reached back out to me and said that they found…

So without getting into too much detail. I have a daytime (very busy) job. I try to augment my income with a shift-based side job. Basically when they have openings they reach out to me and I say “I can do days X, Y and Z”. I do about 3 or 4 shifts every couple of months. It’s a nice income boost.

A couple month ago they reached out to me for a straight weeks worth of shifts that needed to be covered. Because I have another job, I said I can take Friday off from my regular job and do Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So now they only needed someone to cover the 4 other days. They confirmed. I was supposed to request the time off from my regular job but I got delayed.

A couple days later, they reached back out to me and said that they found someone to take the whole week and they they no longer needed me to come in. I hadn’t requested my time off so no harm… but they didn’t know that. In fact they had confirmed with me. So I wrote our a sharply worded email and sent it to the scheduler and cc’d the CEO (it’s not a huge establishment so basically that’s her direct boss):

Dear …
I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to let you know that based on our confirmation, I requested time off from my job. I am now looking into rescinding that request.
I am glad you were able to find coverage for the entire week. However, my vacation days are scarce and precious. I try to use them judiciously. I kindly request that you exhaust your options before you confirm with me.

I got a passive aggressive response without so much as an apology. But I was satisfied having really driven the point home. At the end of the day, I hadn’t really requested the day off. I just didn’t want them to think of me as an expendable resource.

Well a few weeks ago, one of their full time employees quit. So I knew they would be having a lot more open shifts. And that they would be desperate. So I capitalized. I emailed the same people and asked for a pay raise. I specifically asked for the rate I want (which was 150% increase in my salary). I thought they might negotiate a little. They didn’t. 1hr later the same lady responded saying “OK, I will notify payroll”. Still rude, but I don’t care, give me my money. I actually kind of enjoy how much they hate me. It’s cathartic.

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