
I suffered a failed pregnancy that required me to take leave from work

While I was gone, my managers quit and so someone I had never met, but is married to one of our old managers (who just transferred centers) took over. When she first reached out (mid February) I asked if she wanted the doctors note I had given the old management. She said no because the disability company had already approved the leave (we use a 3rd party company to process these things.) A couple of days ago she asked for a new note. Not the old one, a new one. I got a NEW note made and sent to me through my patient portal. It was electronically signed and listed the practice information and told her she could reach out to them with concerns regarding the note. She proceeded to berate me and tell me I was trying to take more time off than needed. It should be noted that…

While I was gone, my managers quit and so someone I had never met, but is married to one of our old managers (who just transferred centers) took over. When she first reached out (mid February) I asked if she wanted the doctors note I had given the old management. She said no because the disability company had already approved the leave (we use a 3rd party company to process these things.) A couple of days ago she asked for a new note. Not the old one, a new one. I got a NEW note made and sent to me through my patient portal. It was electronically signed and listed the practice information and told her she could reach out to them with concerns regarding the note. She proceeded to berate me and tell me I was trying to take more time off than needed. It should be noted that I have always been hardworking, punctual and overall in good standing at work. Always volunteering to stay late or come in early if needed.

So basically I CC’d the HR department who ignored me when I initially reported her and said

“I asked you when I realized you took over if you needed a letter. You said ‘No that an approval for leave of absence from the disability company was sufficient.’ You then proceeded to ask me weeks later for a new note. When I sent it to you you said that it digital signature was not good enough even though it is legally recognized. I’m not going to bend over backwards for your requirements and quite frankly they feel unlawful because it’s not company policy, it’s not center policy and it’s DEFINITELY not my fault that you refuse to reach out to one of the old managers to find out any information you needed. I find that very minimal effort of you considering the fact you are married to one of the old managers. You are digging for my medical information about something awful I went through and I refuse to allow it to happen. I will not bend over backwards because you berate me due to your own incompetence and laziness. Bite me, bitch. I quit.”

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