
I swear they’re trying to kill me

My job is quite physically demanding. But there’s also a lot of planning and desk work involved as well. It’s not all grunt work. This week there’s supposed to be a window change that involves moving heavy furniture, backdrop panels, etc… which I am expected to execute on my own with minimal assistance since the store visual team is literally just me. I have asthma and have developed a pretty nasty upper respiratory infection and haven’t been in to work since last Friday. The doctor has written me out until this Friday. My store manager, who is generally reasonable, suggested we bring in someone from another store to work on the windows in my absence. This would allow me to spend Friday catching up on more of the desk work side of things since I am still not feeling all too great. My district visual manager decided that wasn’t necessary…

My job is quite physically demanding. But there’s also a lot of planning and desk work involved as well. It’s not all grunt work. This week there’s supposed to be a window change that involves moving heavy furniture, backdrop panels, etc… which I am expected to execute on my own with minimal assistance since the store visual team is literally just me.

I have asthma and have developed a pretty nasty upper respiratory infection and haven’t been in to work since last Friday. The doctor has written me out until this Friday. My store manager, who is generally reasonable, suggested we bring in someone from another store to work on the windows in my absence. This would allow me to spend Friday catching up on more of the desk work side of things since I am still not feeling all too great. My district visual manager decided that wasn’t necessary and I could just do the windows on Friday. While still sick. With no help.

I fucking hate this job and have been having periodic panic attacks because of it and am very afraid this will be the straw that breaks my back. I have no problem walking out of there, but unfortunately I have no back up plan in place and I have kids to take care of so I feel totally fucked and I feel like they know it and take advantage of that and me. I do the jobs that in every other store I’ve worked at had been done by at least three people and I barely get paid enough for one of those jobs. It’s just too much.

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