
I take the piss out of my well paying government job.

I (f24) got my first office job about 3 months ago after working retail and then hospitality. I won’t go into to much detail but it’s a bit of a “do gooder” job you could say, my job involves helping people and their lively hood but to me I can’t help but think how my role only exist to make money, my team preach a lot about welfare concerns and helping our country and caring about the people we help but ultimately my team only exists because as a country we make so much money from the people we are talking to. It feels like I work for a well oiled multimillion dollar industry that slap a sticker on them self saying “we care” and it feels like im the only one who sees this..? And kinda because of this I slack off alot and sorta do the bear minimum.…

I (f24) got my first office job about 3 months ago after working retail and then hospitality. I won’t go into to much detail but it’s a bit of a “do gooder” job you could say, my job involves helping people and their lively hood but to me I can’t help but think how my role only exist to make money, my team preach a lot about welfare concerns and helping our country and caring about the people we help but ultimately my team only exists because as a country we make so much money from the people we are talking to.
It feels like I work for a well oiled multimillion dollar industry that slap a sticker on them self saying “we care” and it feels like im the only one who sees this..?
And kinda because of this I slack off alot and sorta do the bear minimum. The job pays me well and is super flexible and I abuse those things a lot. I feel guilty about it but not guilty enough obviously.
My team seem to take pride in their work and everyone has this mentally of “the work we do is really important and valuable”, don’t get me wrong, the people I work with are lovely but it is all but a of bs in my eyes.
This job was a big step up for me and I’m learning a lot but it’s also put kinda a sour taste in my mouth at the same time but I can’t tell people that because I should be great full..
I’m not sure what this post is but kinda just needed to get this out I guess.

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