
I think all servers in America should write their hourly wage on their name badge

Then people can see which restaurants are using their customers to pay their labor costs. Some people defend tipping, saying “I make more with tips than I would with a fixed wage.” That's great, but it's ignoring all those who aren't so lucky, those who are blackmailed or punished into getting the slow shifts by sneering managers, or get put on the highly stressful, busy, get-shouted-at-by-Karens, after-church, non-tipping shift. It's forcing servers to put on a show, and to prioritise their service to those they feel may be better tippers. Tipping culture is keeping the industry unstable for both workers and owners, and it's placing emotional/financial burden on the customer. It's an objectively bad system.

Then people can see which restaurants are using their customers to pay their labor costs.

Some people defend tipping, saying “I make more with tips than I would with a fixed wage.” That's great, but it's ignoring all those who aren't so lucky, those who are blackmailed or punished into getting the slow shifts by sneering managers, or get put on the highly stressful, busy, get-shouted-at-by-Karens, after-church, non-tipping shift. It's forcing servers to put on a show, and to prioritise their service to those they feel may be better tippers.

Tipping culture is keeping the industry unstable for both workers and owners, and it's placing emotional/financial burden on the customer. It's an objectively bad system.

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