I quit my job today with one day notice. Not really, though. I gave them over a month to give me a raise that had been promised to me when I first told them about the new job offer. I kept saying “The new job starts on this day. I need a raise before then.” They thought I was bluffing and got mad at me for DARING to get another job offer.
Well, they told me I could go ahead and leave when I turned in my notice. Before I could leave though, the President of the company asked me why I was leaving as he heard troubling things about my department, and me leaving suddenly was VERY surprising.
I told him everything. How my boss and her boss are best friends and make up policies that only benefit them. How my coworker (formerly a friend of mine) sucks at her job, they won’t discipline her, regroup her work to me, then get mad when I say it’s too much without a raise. How my department head is CONSTANTLY talking horribly about her team members but refuses to confront them. How I was promised a promotion because I was “already doing that work” and then it was never given to me. How they admitted to severely underpaying me for a year. Everything.
I saw fire in his eyes. He apparently has hated them for awhile. He’s scheduled meetings with a private investigation company to avoid them finding out. From what I can tell, they’re all out of here. Or there I guess. Not my problem anymore!
Should’ve just given me the raise.